Renovation and construction services in Vienna
People who want to decide to renovate the attic, which often involves replacing the insulation, are looking for proven companies that have experience in implementing this type of project.
We can find companies that operate in Vienna and the surrounding area that will perform such a project, as well as professional thermomodernization of the attic of a single-family house.
Replacement of insulation materials in the attic
Renovation and construction companies perform comprehensive work, they can remove old layers of insulation, assess the condition of the attic, choose the most appropriate materials. Currently, very modern thermal insulation materials are available, it will be cotton wool as well as foam. The great advantage of using foam is the possibility of its penetration into hard-to-reach places. The foam increases its volume after application, making it a very efficient way to insulate. In addition, the companies also deal with surface finishing, they make suspended ceilings from plasterboards. This is a very good solution due to the possibility of using a moisture-resistant board, which will reduce the risk of mold.
In addition, modern materials are made of safe semi-finished products, which is very important in the case of people suffering from allergies and asthma, where high-quality, certified materials should be used. New building regulations say about the use of a minimum amount of hazardous materials, which is why better and better solutions are used. An experienced construction team can quickly carry out the necessary renovation, in this case you can significantly reduce the costs associated with heating the house. In addition, a foam that is vapor permeable can also be used, which will create a breathable surface. This will prevent the accumulation of moisture, which is a common phenomenon in the case of improperly made attic thermal insulation.
More information about the services of a renovation and construction company offering services in Vienna can be found at https://mpabau.at/unternehmen/. The company also deals with finishing walls with plasterboards, it is a dry method as opposed to wet plasters. In addition, plasterboard can also be used for finishing ceilings, as well as creating partition walls.